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Church Altar

Liturgical Ministries (Participation in the Mass):



Altar Servers 

Young people and adults who have received First Holy Communion, assist the priest and deacon in the celebration of the Mass.  Open to boys, girls, men and women.


Lectors (Readers at Mass)

Proclaim  the First and Second Readings at weekend and Holy Day Masses,and  proclaim the Prayer of the Faithful in the absence of a deacon.  Each  lector receives personal training by the Coordinator of Lectors .


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EMs) assist clergy in bringing Holy Communion to the sick and home bound, whether in private homes, nursing homes or assisted living facilities. and assist the clergy in the distribution of Communion at Mass on weekends and certain Holy Days.     


Music Ministry 

We have an Adult Choir that sings at the 10:00 Mass every Sunday from October through May.    Rehearsals are every other Tuesday from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.  We also have a Resurrection Choir that sings for funerals, requiring availability during the week and on Saturday.



Serve the congregation by greeting people before Mass, handling inquiries, distributing bulletins, escorting the gift bearers, and seating late comers.  Ushers take up the collections, assure safety and give assistance to ill or handicapped parishioners or visitors.  They also guide the lines of people going to Communion.


Gift Bearers

They are the people who bring the bread and the wine to the priest during the offertory at Mass.  The bringing of the bread and wine symbolizes us uniting our own gifts of time, talent and treasure with Jesus' sacrifice of Himself, which is offered for us on the altar.  

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