Ministries to help us grow in our Faith
For Young People
Religious Education
Religious Ed. is for children in every grade from Kindergarten through High School, and meets between 11:00am - 12:00pm every Sunday from mid-September to mid-May. Classes are meant to help all of our young people know and love Jesus, and to know, love and live their Catholic Faith. Sacramental preparation for First Communion, First Reconciliation (Confession) and Confirmation is offered yearly for children who have either been in Catholic School or in Religious Education for one year prior to preparation for the sacrament.
Children's Mass
On the third Sunday of each month at the 10:00 Mass, young people in our parish serve as lectors, ushers, greeters and gift bearers. This is an awesome opportunity for our young parishioners to become involved at Mass and in the life of our parish. It helps them to better learn the meaning of the Mass.
For Adults
Why Catholic? Group
This group is for adults and meets on Sundays between September - May from 11:00am - 12:00pm in the Parish Center, while our young people are in Religious Education classes. The purpose of this group is to help us understand why we are Catholic. It uses the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Holy Scripture to help us grow in our understanding of what we believe and practice.
Rosary Group
This group prayerfully recites the Rosary following the 10:00 Mass, for public and private intentions. This is an awesome opportunity to seek our Blessed Mother's intercession for our parish, our community, our country and our world.
Men's Fellowship
Provides an opportunity for men of all ages to come together for fellowship, mutual support, and spiritual growth. Meets second Saturday of the month from 9-10 am in the Thomas More Room.
R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
These are Christian Initiation sessions for adults interested in becoming Catholic, or for baptized Catholics who have not received other Sacraments.