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This sacrament renews our peace with God and neighbor.

Confessions are heard on Saturday from 3:45 to 4:15 p.m. 

or by appointment in the Parish Center.



This sacrament makes us members of God’s family, the Church. Baptisms

are normally scheduled for the second Sunday of the month at the

Saturday 4:30 pm Mass or the Sunday 10 am Mass.


(Only 2 baptisms are conferred at each Mass.) 

Please call the Parish Office (410-444-6500 )to meet with the

Pastor to schedule the baptism and to arrange for a

pre-baptismal conference. 

Baptisms are not held during Advent or Lent.



This sacrament seals the love of a man and woman in a life-long commitment. Couples planning to marry should contact the Parish office (410-444-6500 ) at least 7 months prior to the date of the marriage. 


Marriage preparation classes are required. 


(If an annulment or a dispensation to a previous marriage is needed, no arrangements for the wedding can be made until the annulment or dispensation is granted by the Archdiocese. The annulment process could take a year or longer depending on the circumstances.)



Adults and children (7 years of age or older) are received into the Church either by Baptism or Profession of Faith following the completion of the Catechumenate Preparation (RCIA) or (RCIC) process. 


Contact the parish office (410-444-6500 ) for information.

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